Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bolton registered voters: sign the citizen's petition

We are circulating a petition to put repair of the Fyfeshire dam on the Bolton town meeting agenda. (Town meeting is May 2.)  Removal of the dam is already on the agenda, so this petition would give voters a choice to vote for repair or removal.

The wording of the petition is as follows:


The registered voters of Bolton, Massachusetts, whose signatures appear below, hereby petition the Board of Selectmen to place an article on the Warrant of the Annual Town Meeting of Bolton, to be held on May 2, 2011, "to see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $396,000 (Three hundred ninety-six thousand dollars) to fund the repair of the Fyfeshire dam and all costs incidental or related thereto; and that to meet said appropriation, the Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, is authorized pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 7 (9), or any other authority, to borrow up to that amount and to issue bonds or notes of the Town; provided, however, that this vote shall not take effect until the Town votes to exempt from the limitation on total taxes imposed by G.L. c.59, 21C(k) (Proposition 2 1/2) amounts required to pay the principal of and interest on the borrowing authorized by this vote; and that the Board of Selectmen be authorized to expend the monies so appropriated for the foregoing purposes; or do or act relating thereto."

The registered voters of Bolton, Massachusetts, whose signatures appear below, also request that the Board of Selectmen allow a committee comprising Edith Ablavsky, Kenneth Nicewicz and Martha Remington to modify the dollar amount in the warrant article, if, in the committee's belief, a modification is appropriate.

Signature        Printed Name           Street Address

Dam News
Yesterday the Clinton Item published an article outlining the current status and efforts to put repair of the dam on the town warrant.
View article: Fyfeshire Funding to Be Decided at Town Meeting.

In the same issue, the Item reports that at a meeting last week the Bolton Selectmen went through the articles for the May town meeting, including repair/removal of the Fyfeshire Dam. 
View article:  Selectmen Review Articles

The Bolton Common published an article outlining the Bolton Selectmen's meeting, including a description of several of the issues related to the warrant articles for repair/removal of the dam.
View article: Bolton Selectmen Get First Look at Town Meeting Warrant

See our In the News page for more articles related to Fyfeshire Dam. 

Upcoming Meetings
We will be holding meetings every Friday in March at 7:30 to strategize and coordinate activities. 

Supporters are welcome to attend. Check this page for up-to-date meeting times and locations. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

In-depth article on the Fyfeshire dam issue

Yesterday's (Feb. 4) issue of the Bolton Common published an in-depth, front-page article about the issue of the dam. Recommended reading for anyone who wants to learn more about the issue. View article

Also, on the Bolton Common website, there is a poll asking whether you think the dam should be removed or repaired.  Go to, scroll down past the headlines, the photos and local video sections until you come to three columns--the third column on the right contains the poll. 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Too much snow to take a walk?

Now you can tour the Fyfeshire conservation area virtually through the photo gallery on our What is Fyfeshire page. Do you have a favorite photo of Fyfeshire? Send it to or by mail to Edi Ablavsky, 525 Wattaquadock Hill Rd., Bolton (you'll get it back--promise!) and it may get added to the page.

You can also visit the history page for photos related to the history of the Fyfeshire conservation area.