In case you missed the news in our last blog (see below), both articles about the Fyfeshire Dam are being removed from the town meeting agenda until next year. (See our
In the News section for recent news reports.) That means we can devote our full attention to our upcoming:
Everyone in Bolton and surrounding towns is invited to a Fyfeshire POND PARTY and ART EXHIBIT on:
Saturday, April 2
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Davis Hall, First Parish Church of Bolton, 673 Main Street, Bolton.
- Dozens of exquisite wooden carvings of plants and animals native to Fyfeshire, created by local artist Rona Balco, will be on display.
- A narrated slide show depicting the beauty and history of Fyfeshire will be presented.
- Enjoy “pond punch,” critter crackers, and other pond-related delectables.
- Test your scat knowledge—can you identify the animals our samples of pelts, skeletons, and scat come from?
- Kids (and adults!) can try their hand at drawing animals, plus other kid-friendly activities.
Here's a sneak peek at some of the sculptures that will be exhibited:
Detail from milkweed plant life cycle. |
Detail from milkweed plant life cycle. |
Owls in a tree. |
Owls detail. |
Bat with prey.
Mother Nature closeup. |
Insects on driftwood. |
Rona presents her turtle sculpture. |
Closeup of turtle. |
Wow!! This pond party exhibit seems very interesting. The sculptures are really adorable. Loved the creativity. Have heard that one of local San Francisco event venues will be arranging such an exhibition. Will surely be a part of it.