The following people believe we should save the Fyfeshire ponds by REPAIRING, not removing, the dam in the Fyfeshire Conservation area on Wattaquadock Hill Road.
To add your name to this list, send an email request to
Bolton Historical Commission has voted in favor of repairing the dam
The Berlin Conservation Commission supports repair of the Fyfeshire Dam View text of letter
The Clinton Fish and Game Protective Association supports efforts to keep the dam in place View text of letter
Edi and Leonid Ablavsky, Bolton
William E. Allen, Bolton
Annelisa Addante and Rick Brown, Bolton
The Berlin Conservation Commission supports repair of the Fyfeshire Dam View text of letter
The Clinton Fish and Game Protective Association supports efforts to keep the dam in place View text of letter
Edi and Leonid Ablavsky, Bolton
William E. Allen, Bolton
Annelisa Addante and Rick Brown, Bolton
Rona and John Balco, Bolton
Harry C. Bennett, Bolton
Harry C. Bennett, Bolton
Jeanne Blauner, Lancaster
Josephine R. Burke, Bolton
Jean Cahill, Bolton
Ellen Caless, Bolton
Sheila Chmielowski, Bolton
Karen Churchey, Bolton
Mary and Larry Ciummo, Bolton
Christine, Carl and Jacob Combs, Bolton
Pamela Joy Cooke, Bolton
Josephine R. Burke, Bolton
Jean Cahill, Bolton
Ellen Caless, Bolton
Sheila Chmielowski, Bolton
Karen Churchey, Bolton
Mary and Larry Ciummo, Bolton
Christine, Carl and Jacob Combs, Bolton
Pamela Joy Cooke, Bolton
E.L. Davis, Bolton
Lynn Dischler, Bolton
Lynn Dischler, Bolton
Julie Donahue, Clinton
Margaret T. Dzwilewski, Bolton
Linda and Edward Engelmann, Bolton
Joan Entwistle, Bolton
Margaret T. Dzwilewski, Bolton
Linda and Edward Engelmann, Bolton
Joan Entwistle, Bolton
David Feinberg, Lunenberg
Susan and Richard Fly, Bolton
Susan and Richard Fly, Bolton
Susan Foss, Lancaster
Andrea and Ronald Galeski, Bolton
Andrea and Ronald Galeski, Bolton
Bernard Galeski, Clinton
David Galeski, Clinton
Cindy Galeski, Clinton
Joy Galeski, Reno, NV
Cindy Galeski, Clinton
Joy Galeski, Reno, NV
Lee Galeski, Bolton
Lisa Galeski, Hudson
Lisa Galeski, Hudson
Priscilla Galeski, Berlin
Steven Galeski, Bolton
Albert Ira Gould, Lancaster
Dorothy Gould, Littleton
George Gould, Acton
Sherrill Gould, Littleton
Kenneth P. Hillner, Brookings, SD (formerly of Clinton)
Richard Innerasky, Hudson
Rose Innerasky, Bolton
Laura Kischitz, Bolton
Judy and Dave Lawton, Bolton
Marshall McKee and Peter Kaufman, Bolton
Jean and David McKinley, Bolton
Lynn Meheran, Bolton
Jane Moosbruker, Bolton
Alan Nicewicz, Bolton
David J. Nicewicz, Bolton
Ken Nicewicz, Bolton
Thomas Nicewicz, Bolton
Vera Nicewicz, Bolton
Kathy Neilson, Bolton
N.W. Norseen, Bolton
Kenneth P. Hillner, Brookings, SD (formerly of Clinton)
Richard Innerasky, Hudson
Rose Innerasky, Bolton
Laura Kischitz, Bolton
Judy and Dave Lawton, Bolton
Marshall McKee and Peter Kaufman, Bolton
Jean and David McKinley, Bolton
Lynn Meheran, Bolton
Jane Moosbruker, Bolton
Alan Nicewicz, Bolton
David J. Nicewicz, Bolton
Ken Nicewicz, Bolton
Thomas Nicewicz, Bolton
Vera Nicewicz, Bolton
Kathy Neilson, Bolton
N.W. Norseen, Bolton
Missy and Jeff O’Dell, Berlin
Nancy Poreda, Bolton
Janet Pesaturo and Robert Zak, Bolton
Nancy Poreda, Bolton
Janet Pesaturo and Robert Zak, Bolton
Martha Remington, Bolton
Karen Rigoli, Bolton
Jane Rose, Lancaster
Joyce E., Bruce D. and Roland Russell, Bolton
Jane Rose, Lancaster
Joyce E., Bruce D. and Roland Russell, Bolton
Doris Ryan, Bolton
Carol and Ned Schroeder, Bolton
Carol and Ned Schroeder, Bolton
Susan and Richard Tripp, Bolton
Helen and Charles Weaver, Bolton
Josh Wendler, Bolton
Marilyn and Greg Wilson, Bolton
Helen and Charles Weaver, Bolton
Josh Wendler, Bolton
Marilyn and Greg Wilson, Bolton
Linda and Paul Wood, Bolton
Ada and Richard Woolston, Bolton
David Wylie, Bolton
Letter from the Berlin Conservation Commission to Rona Balco, representing the Group for the Preservation of Fyfeshire Ponds:
David Wylie, Bolton
Letter from the Berlin Conservation Commission to Rona Balco, representing the Group for the Preservation of Fyfeshire Ponds:
To: Mrs Rona Balco,
I sincerely hope this helps to get the prudent biological study done prior to an decision in Bolton. And thank you for sharing all your work and concerns with us at our last Berlin ConComm meeting!
Below is an excerpt from the Berlin ConComm minutes 3/3/10 meeting:
"Fyfeshire Dam – Bolton
• An information meeting was held in Bolton on March 2nd to discus the state of the Fyfeshire Dam and possible repair/removal.
• Attendees at the Bolton meeting voted to leave the dam in place.
• The Bolton CC sent a letter to the Berlin CC asking for their opinion on the dam. Skip Duggan will reply stating the Berlin residents contacted do not want the dam removed."
Skip Duggan did follow-up with a letter to the Bolton ConComm stating that all the Berlin residents that were contacted unanimously wanted the dam left as is. North Brook functions now very well in Berlin as an excellent wildlife and ecological corridor-- the cleanest tributary feeding the Assabet.
I have not been able to find our copy of the letter to the Bolton ConComm, but the Bolton ConComm probably has it in their files. I must have quickly hand written it rather than typed it and filed it in the ConComm outgoing mail folder.
Walter Bickford, a longtime member of the Berlin ConComm and previous MA Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife, has contacted MA Fish&Wildlife and asked them to 'take a look' at the ecological situation too. Overall, without the benefit of futher MA Fish&Wildlife input, we believe leaving the dam in place best protects the watershed.
We strongly encourage that a complete biological review be conducted before a decision is made to repair or remove the dam. The experts at MA Fish&Wildlife are highly regarded and most competent, and their opinion should be the crucial one.
If downstream overflow is an issue in leaving the dam as is, then we are also sure we could work with effectively with the Berlin Highway Dept to improve flowage (extra pipe) if needed to ensure North Brook doesn't flow over any Berlin roads during 'high water times'. ConComm has an excellent relationship with our Highway department.
Skip Duggan Chairman, Berlin ConComm
Letter from the Clinton Fish and Game Protective Association
Clinton Fish and Game Protective Association
185 Lancaster Road
Berlin, Massachusetts 01503
March 10, 2011
Regarding: Fyfeshire Ponds
To whom it may concern:
The Clinton Fish and Game Protective Assocation is an association of nearlhy 200 outdoors men and women dedicated to the education and preservation of wild life habitat and outdoor sports and recreation.
As neighbors, we support the efforts of The Group for the preservation of the Fyfeshire Ponds and their efforts to keep the dam in place.
Marc Windward, President
Letter from the Clinton Fish and Game Protective Association
Clinton Fish and Game Protective Association
185 Lancaster Road
Berlin, Massachusetts 01503
March 10, 2011
Regarding: Fyfeshire Ponds
To whom it may concern:
The Clinton Fish and Game Protective Assocation is an association of nearlhy 200 outdoors men and women dedicated to the education and preservation of wild life habitat and outdoor sports and recreation.
As neighbors, we support the efforts of The Group for the preservation of the Fyfeshire Ponds and their efforts to keep the dam in place.
Marc Windward, President