Since the town of Bolton
voted unanimously to spend money to lower the crest of the dam in May 2012, the
town has been working toward making this happen. Last summer, it put out a Request for Proposal for the environmental permitting needed to lower
the dam crest and received three responses. A selection
committee was formed consisting of three members of the Conservation Commission (Amy Wilson,
Mark Sprague and Carol Gumbart), Board of Selectmen Chairman Stan Wysocki, and
Town Administrator Don Lowe as voting members, and representatives from
Historical, Advisory and Department of Public Works as non-voting
members. The committee chose Lenard Engineering, Inc.
Now the real work is about to
begin. Abutters have just received notice that a public hearing will be
held at the Bolton Town Hall on Tuesday, July 30 at 7:30 p.m. in which Lenard
Engineering and subcontractor the ESS Group
(environmental consultants) will
outline plans for lowering the crest of the dam and the impacts to wetland resource areas
associated with Fyfeshire Pond and the downstream brook. You are encouraged to attend and
hear firsthand how this work will be done and get answers to any questions you
may have about the project. In the meantime, you can read the Notice of Intent on the Town of Bolton website. (All documents related to the
Fyfeshire Dam project are located here: )