At Bolton Town Meeting on May 7, the town unanimously passed a resolution appropriating $250,000 to lower the dam crest at Fyfeshire. This solution would keep the dam and ponds in place while lessening the danger of a sudden catastrophic release of flood water. (Learn more about this solution from our Feb. 14 posting.)
Since then, the town has received an extension from the Office of Dam Safety until June 2013 to bring the dam into compliance. A consultant recently completed a quarterly inspection and did not find the dam in any worse condition since the last inspection. The Conservation Commission is in the process of putting together a Request for Proposal for the work on the dam.
Our group will continue to monitor progress and help out where we can add value. We plan to continue to hold events to raise money for landscaping around the dam and for maintenance of Fyfeshire Conservation area. With your help, we hope to keep Fyfeshire a beautiful natural area for all to enjoy.
Your tax-deductible donations can be made to:
Friends of the Oxbow (on check, please write Fyfeshire on the memo line)
P.O. Box 646
Bolton, MA 01740